Thursday, July 30, 2009

Environmental anomalies at the World Trade Center: evidence for energetic materials

PDF (367.3 KB)HTML
Environmental anomalies at the World Trade Center: evidence for energetic materials

Kevin R. Ryan1 Contact Information, James R. Gourley2 and Steven E. Jones3

(1) P.O. Box 53, Bloomington, IN 47402-0053, USA
(2) Dallas, TX 75231, USA
(3) S&J Scientific Co., Provo, 84604, UT, USA

Received: 17 February 2008 Accepted: 14 July 2008 Published online: 4 August 2008

Abstract Investigators monitoring air quality at the World Trade Center, after the September 11th attacks, found extremely high levels of volatile organic chemicals as well as unusual species that had never been seen before in structure fires.

Data collected by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency indicate striking spikes in levels of benzene, styrene, and several other products of combustion. These spikes occurred on specific dates in October and November 2001, and February 2002.

Additionally, data collected by researchers at the University of California Davis showed similar spikes in the levels of sulfur and silicon compounds, and certain metals, in aerosols. To better explain these data, as well as the unusual detection of 1,3-diphenylpropane, the presence of energetic nanocomposites in the pile at Ground Zero is hypothesized.

SOURCE: Springerlink

Monday, July 20, 2009

Videos Show Building 7's Vertical Collapse


The survival of several video recordings of Building 7's collapse, though of low resolution, allow study of the building's motion and the time of collapse.

Each of the following videos shows the entire visible portion of the building falling with a vertical precision otherwise seen only in controlled demolition. Moreover, they show that the collapse took only about 6.5 seconds from start to finish. That rate of fall is within a second of the time it would take an object to fall from the building's roof with no air resistance.

video broadcast by CBS - 1.4MB - mpeg
This 36-second video shows Building 7 from an elevated vantage point to the distant northeast.
CBS WTC 7 video
video from an NBC news camera - 1.5MB - mpeg
This 9-second video shows the Building 7 collapse from a vantage point about mile to the northeast on West Broadway.
Broadway WTC 7 video
video broadcast on CBS - 1.7MB - mpeg
This 9.6-second video shows the Building 7 collapse from a vantage point only about 1000 feet to the north.
West Street WTC 7 video

Video Credits

Thanks for Krsto Herenda for finding the CBS video, and to plaguepuppy for transcribing it to MPEG.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Fourteen Points of Agreement with Official Government Reports on the World Trade Center Destruction
pp.35-40 (6) Authors: Steven E. Jones, Frank M. Legge, Kevin R. Ryan, Anthony F. Szamboti, James R. Gourley
doi: 10.2174/1874149500802010035


Reports by FEMA and NIST lay out the official account of the destruction of the World Trade Center on 9/11/2001. In this Letter, we wish to set a foundation for productive discussion and understanding by focusing on those areas where we find common ground with FEMA and NIST, while at the same time countering several popular myths about the WTC collapses.

SOURCE: Bentham Science Publishers

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Masoneria. Lista numelor cavalerilor de Malta / Masonry. List of Malta's Knights names

WTC 7: The Smoking Gun of 9/11

NOTICE of YouTube:
This video contains an audio track that has not been authorized by WMG. The audio has been disabled.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

David Ray Griffin: The 9/11 Commission Report: A 571-Page Lie

by Dr. David Ray Griffin
Sunday, May 22, 2005

In discussing my second 9/11 book, The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions, I have often said, only half in jest, that a better title might have been "a 571-page lie." (Actually, I was saying "a 567-page lie," because I was forgetting to count the four pages of the Preface.) In making this statement, one of my points has been that the entire Report is constructed in support of one big lie: that the official story about 9/11 is true.

Another point, however, is that in the process of telling this overall lie, The 9/11 Commission Report tells many lies about particular issues. This point is implied by my critique's subtitle, "Omissions and Distortions." It might be thought, to be sure, that of the two types of problems signaled by those two terms, only those designated "distortions" can be considered lies.

read entire text

Friday, February 20, 2009

British UFO Files (Peter Horsley)

Testimony from Colonel Halt, Lord Hill Norton and the strange story of Peter Horsley and "Janus".

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

UFO: The Secret Evidence (Octombrie 2005)

Interesting video written and presented by Nick Cook.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Dan Aykroyd: Unplugged on UFO's

If you like this film, please buy the DVD. Hollywood star Dan Aykroyd, who is a believer in the existence and government cover-up of alien life-forms, hosts this look into the phenomenon of UFO sightings.

Akroyd shares his personal experiences in this field and also discusses recent findings with author and UFOlogist David Sereda. DAN AYKROYD UNPLUGGED ON UFOS features UFO footage as well as testimonial material from Astronaut Gordon Cooper and others, including former president Ronald Reagan.

Note: Dan has the photo and video material of the famous O'hare sighting in his possesion. This features will be presented is his new documentary.

Monday, February 16, 2009

UFO: The Greatest Story Ever Denied

This is the best of the whole story of UFO investigation that we have today. It’s an All in One, UFO’s Prophecy and technology.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

911 conspiracy: Loose Change Final Cut

Support Loose Change, buy the official version at:

Friday, February 13, 2009

The original 9-1-1 conspiracy that the Government doesn't want you to see!

The original 9-1-1 conspiracy that the Government doesn't want you to see! Loose Change 911 is not the 2nd Edition, it's the 1st Edition of the Operators Conspiracy. Find out what was happening outside World Trade Center (WTC) away from the public eye. The Truth is Up There!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

BBC's Conspiracy Files: "9/11 - The Third Tower"

The Conspiracy Files delves into the final mystery of 9/11: a third tower at the World Trade Centre, which along with the Twin Towers, also collapsed that day

Monday, February 9, 2009

Bush Link to Kennedy Assassination. Alex Jones. 911 Conspiracy

A thorough, documented, criminal indictment of George Herbert Walker Bush, establishing beyond a reasonable doubt his guilt as a supervisor in the conspiracy to assassinate John F. Kennedy.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

CODUL LUI ORESTE A 10-a Planeta (Antena 2)

A 10-a Planeta, locul de unde vin zeii. Oreste Teodorescu de vorba cu parapsihologul Lucian Iordanescu. Atragem atentia: problema este putin gresit pusa, pentru ca este vorba despre cea de-a 12-a planeta, Nibiru, nu despre cea de-a zecea.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

CODUL LUI ORESTE Raportul Pentagonului vs anul 2012 (B1TV) Partea a 2a

Emil Streinu si Doru Beu in dialog cu Oreste despre anul 2012 si mult mai mult.

CODUL LUI ORESTE Raportul Pentagonului vs. anul 2012 (B1TV) Partea I

Emil Streinu si Doru Beu, in dialog cu Oreste Teodorescu despre anul 2012 si despre multe altele.

Friday, February 6, 2009

UFO Public Reports in the UK

UFO Reports 1997-2008 in the UK, showing dates and times, location and a brief description of sighting. FOI Publication Scheme Document Details
Author: Air Command
Owner: MOD
Date document created: 16 Feb 06
Date released proactively: 16 Feb 06
Date last updated: 5 Feb 09
Class of Information: What are our priorities and how are we doing
Freedom of Information Organisation area: Armed Forces
Charge: Free of charge
Format: website

AMERO CONSPIRATION Something big is happening

A mediados de verano, Hal Turner fue obligado a suspender su programa radiofónico. Recientemente publicó un artículo en su blog diciendo que EEUU había mandado 800 mil millones de ameros a China. Tras el escepticismo que despertó tal información, ahora aparece en este video mostrando uno de los ameros de ese envío. También habla del colapso del dólar y como el Amero servirá para reemplazarlo, tanto en EEUU, como en Canadá y México.